Your a silly bastard
Just cause I was in the crew doesn't mean I'm gonna clan vote I gave you a four you earned it :) ... heres your sack lunch and a juice box.. be a good boy
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Your a silly bastard
Just cause I was in the crew doesn't mean I'm gonna clan vote I gave you a four you earned it :) ... heres your sack lunch and a juice box.. be a good boy
dude what the fuck I dont like juice holy shit you ruin everything you bastard
Please don't be the next clocks, locks or worst of all glocks, being one of the early glocks please don't make another group I thought hey I'm glock number 20 how badass ... no they make annoying flash, I have to admit it was better than their crap but please add a plot
Make your own fucking plot.
You are a sick fucker
and a funny one at that! nice job
Kick ass man!
I loved it! Dude MAKE ANOTHER this is a great game but the graphics are off and it did show a little lack of attention to detail like in the menu but imporve those...and add more different objects and would be an A++
Thanks! I probably will make another one
As all the Posers say in my school "I PWND" that game an d you guys "PWN" NG games as my friends said 3 years ago i give it "props"
Sweet art
i wish i9 could program like u tom u rule
Age 43, Female
Joined on 7/7/05